Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman emperor once said, "Our life is what our thoughts make it." That was long time back. Even in recent times,(20th century) Prof. Dale Carnegie has accepted, what Marcus Aurelius once said, in his book "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living".
To a great extent we can select the path along which we can reach our destiny. Destiny remains the same for everyone, to know oneself, to manifest oneself, and ultimately get united with that Universal God. There is no other destiny anywhere. The path may be different. It is up to us to select the path.
Destiny does not mean all the merriments we enjoy and hardships we bear in our passage through life. Destiny is the ultimate home where our soul always wishes to reach at the end of our worldly life.
So there is no question of deceiving oneself for good. What one conceives in his mind as the right path of his life is the right path, because what is conceived in the mind is nothing but the wish of the inner soul, and we as spiritual beings can never do away with our soul. The soul is divine and pure. It is ever-virtuous and ever-ethical. It is indestructible. It cannot be drowned into water, or burnt into ashes or blown away by wind. It is deathless. It finds peace only by giving, not by taking. The "me" within us gathers and acquires only for the soul to give away and find peace. Through "giving" the soul purifies itself.
So why then do we take, why do we acquire? By doing that, we gain authority and control over our possessions, so that some day we can give that away and bring peace to our inner soul. We acquire only to give away someday. There is no other way out. This is where renunciation comes in. We face difficulties only when we do not listen to what our soul tells us to do. We think we are human beings having human experience. No, we are purely spiritual beings having human experience. One day we all will leave this material world, and our souls will go to their heavenly abode, provided we have been able to purify our souls with our good deeds. Else, it will again take birth in this material world. This will continue until the soul gets purified totally. Then it will go to its heavenly abode. However his love for all living beings, particularly human beings, remains. So to set human beings free from evils, it may again reincarnate as a great man, a saviour.
We are born with the concept of what is good and what is bad. That is one of the basic characteristics of our soul. So we do not have to ever bother about how to distinguish between the two. When we do something bad, we do it knowingly, because our inner soul surely sends us a message pertaining to that. When we commit mistakes our soul tries its best to rectify us. We only need to listen to our soul.
If one knows himself fully, if one knows the highest of truth, which is, why he has come to this world, then there remains no room for self-deception. In short, it can be said that each person has been sent to this world with a definite purpose. Our job is to understand it, and act according to what we have been endowed with, and manifest our true nature. Until we do that, we will continue to deceive ourselves.
Human life has four different phases. In the first phase we build ourselves with rational knowledge and discipline. Our focus remains inward. In the second phase we enjoy, create, and acquire. Our focus remains outward. In the third phase we give away what we have acquired. We start focussing inward towards our soul. In the fourth phase we submit ourselves to God. Our focus remains entirely upon God.
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