First you need to know yourself. Then only you can know the external world. It is only through a very personal experience of inner discovery that you can know yourself and find ultimate peace of mind.
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I am trying to concentrate on some art work also. Since last evening the temp. has fallen a lot. Too cold to take up fine art stuff. Feel like going out in the sun. A field covered with yellow flowers, with occasional green patches, blue sky, bright sunlight and a narrow path dividing the field, going past the horizon...... can't think of anything better than that now!
That way the kitchen is a good place. If you love cooking then you can have both, good food and warmth.
Hope all is fine with everyone. Have a nice time. Chandra Jan.3, 2011
The temp. has gone down further. However, it is a bright sunny day today. I can see a cat basking in sunshine. Possibly it had some good breakfast. Peculiar animal this cat is. I have never been able to understand it. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. However, one good thing it always does is keep your house and neighbourhood free from rats. Good day to everyone. Jan.6, 2011
What a peculiar animal is the tortoise. In a race, it always beats the rabbit. I know a giant tortoise, kept at our city zoo, which lived for 250 years! It died in 2006.  Jan.7, 2011
Oh! Once a very funny thing happened in a bus I was travelling by. All seats were filled up and people were standing. One man got up and a seat became vacant. The seat was so placed, it could be approached from two directions. A gentleman and a lady, who were standing, both dived together to occupy the seat. Only the lady was just a fraction of a second faster. The gentleman started shouting that it was his seat. In reply the lady could only manage to say gently that it was ok, but to get that seat he must first get up. Actually the gentleman, being slower, sat a fraction of a second later, on the lady's lap!!!!! Realizing the fact, the gentleman immediately got up, and got down from the bus at the next stop. What embarrassment !! Jan.10, 2011
Again that cat, sniffing this and that; possibly looking for some food. I feel like giving some, but I know it won't touch the food. It does not trust me, I have seen before. Dogs are not like that. The primary difference between a cat and a dog lies in their eyes, their stare. Such a wonderful animal the dog is. They always look at you with such affectionate eyes. Recently I have come across some beautiful birds in our locality; such colourful ones. There is a bird sanctuary nearby. Some of them seem to have ventured a bit too far. Have a nice time, everyone. Jan.11, 2011

Such an innocent insect is the cockroach. Just compare its movement and approach with that of a spider. You will be able to understand what I want to say. In order to run away from you out of fear, it frequently runs towards you, or may even climb up along your leg. Cockroach is an insect, am I right? Six legs etc. etc. Hope I am correct. May God keep everyone healthy and happy. Jan 13, 2011
Nothing much has happened today. It was a holiday. I was just thinking what would be a common man's approach towards spirituality. How should he spiritualize? From where to begin? Hope I can write a few words about it sometime. Hope everything is fine with everyone. Have a wonderful day. Jan.16, 2011

Commonplace arguments in a public place, like between two co-passengers in a bus or between two persons in the street, are very enjoyable for others to watch. Am I wrong ? In our youthful days when we used to see such an argument taking place between two persons, the standard remark we used to utter was, "Why use your mouth when you have two hands each ?" However, we never meant it to be that worse, and always kept a strict vigil on it. Just couldn't help becoming humourous. Like wonder, philosophy begins in humour also. That most of the times used to make both verbally more aggressive, and consequently bring more enjoyment for us. Have a nice time. Jan.20,2011

Yesterday I went to attend a marriage reception with my family. It was my cousin brother's marriage. All my nephews and nieces, cousins, uncles, aunts and other elderly relations came. It was a nice get together. I met a friend there after thirty-two years. We were in the same school. She was also one of the guests. She is now a lady and married with one daughter. No, no, there was never any special relation between us. We just knew one another, as friends I suppose.  No leg pulling, please, though my cousins were pulling my legs a lot.  Her daughter was in the same class as that of my son in the same school, and they too know each other very well. The world is small, really. I felt so good, felt somewhat nostalgic and spiritual.  School days were so much full of joy and laughter. Jan.24, 2011

Total freedom with a tranquil mind brings peace. Tranquil mind is not an idle mind. Mind should be active, searching for new ideas and concepts. It keeps ones' intellect growing all the time. Have a good day, all of you. Chandra

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Spiritual approach makes us cautious, keeps us on guard, promotes safety and security, incorporates wisdom and temperance, courage and sense of justice.
At the highest level, ones' authority goes as far as his feeling extends. Thus, a mother really keeps her child wrapped up with her feeling.

Friday, Feb.25, 2011
May loftiness and courage of our spirit enable us to bear trouble and hardship calmly. May we be able to sacrifice for worthy ends.

My first prayer goes for those brave men, who are fighting day and night to cool down the nuclear power plant in Japan, and their families. My next prayer goes for the souls of those who have died, and have gone missing in Japan. May God minimize the ill effects of this disaster.March 21, 2011

There is a man in our neighbourhood who has arrived recently. Initially he tried to be very friendly with us and we found nothing wrong in it. But now I have made it a point not to entertain him any more. The reason is very annoying as well as ridiculous. During a conversation, while standing face to face, the man keeps advancing inch by inch towards the person he is talking to. God knows why. But really it is a very unacceptable and unpardonable habit. Initially, for two or three days, I kept on going back slowly to maintain the basic minimum distance between us. The more I retreat, the more he advances, without in any way interrupting the conversation. He literally breathes down upon the other person's face. Now the moment I see him, I just change my route and take a roundabout way to avoid him. How his family members tackle this problem I would really like to know. Such peculiar habits some people possess. What if the other person is a woman? Sunday, July 10, 2011
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Rabindranath Tagore spirituality painting pencil Drawing Philosophy knowledge indifference curve responsibility Watercolour art Religion Theory of Consumption Universal One duty economics morality peace virtue body consciousness control creativity criticism educated endeavour ethics faith habit income effect joy life love price effect self-restraint serenity society story success truth Adam Smith Alfred Marshall Diminishing Marginal Utility Equimarginal Utility India Lionel Robbins Lord Shiva Marginal rate of substitution Motivation Patience Renunciation Temple Utility Analysis ability abstract act alternative uses anxiety availability beautiful beauty behavioural blessings bliss blissfulness blue sky caged bird choice commodity communicate complacency completeness complexity compulsion consume consumer consumption counsellor creative decay definition demand demand for money dependence depletion depression desires disarray disorder distribution drifting cloud drudgery economic wants education ego emotional ends equilibrium eternity exchange exhaust expectation fear feeling fitness fortunate fragmentation future give give away give up global feeling greatness guilt health heaven hope humour idealism imaginative imitation impulse indestructible individualism innovative interact inventive knowing oneself learned less medicine listen macro economics manifest material means mental micro economics misinterpretation mixed media modern approach money moral excellence motivator nature needs negative thinking nervousness night noble obstacle offering own goal panic pastel persevere phobia poor positive-thinking preserve pressurisation production prosperity psochoanalyst psychiatrist public finance purify realism reincarnate relinquish renounce revealed preference romanticism sacrifice safeguard safety satisfy save scarce science security simple sleeplessness soul spinoza spiritualization strive student subordination substitute substitution effect succulent vitality suffocation sun supply of money supreme talent tension thought together tolerance traditional approach uncalled favour unify united with God untapped untoward utterance watercolor weakness wealth well-being wisdom wishes worry worship