We often find people grumbling about what they have not. He tends to think more and more about himself than anybody else. His entertainment, his amusement, his happiness, his peace and so on are the most common areas a man keeps himself confined to. However, we can't blame him totally for this. It is the way we all are. Still we must find some time to think about others. As the great poet Rabindranath Tagore once wrote in one of his poems, "Just come out of yourself and stand outside. You will feel the impulse of this whole world within you."
Firstly, we fail to understand that more we think about ourselves, the more unhappy and depressed we become. True happiness lies in the act of also thinking about people who are around us.
Secondly, we never count our blessings. Once we start doing that, we will surely feel happier and peaceful inside.
Thirdly, we tend to concentrate more on material aspects of life, and consequently on the monetary aspect. We should try to reduce this instinct, though it is difficult enough and requires a lot of spiritual practice. Money is a thing which is most unevenly distributed among individuals. We must make up our minds to accept that this fact is, to a great extent, natural. At times we tend to think that one or more of our neighbors is better off. We must not think in this way. It is not correct. He may be better off than me in some ways, while I may be better off than him in some other ways. He may be better off financially, but that does not matter a lot, as most common people think. In the ultimate analysis money is not so important as we tend to think, even if we do not have money to buy our daily food. We must keep in mind that unhappiness is not all that unhappy a thing. There is also joy in it. It strengthens us mentally, it gives us more spiritual power to work, toil and win in future.
Then again, we always try to keep a firm grip upon everything we have, so that these things may never leave us. Here also we must remember that nothing is permanent in this world. Today we have something, tomorrow we may not have it. What we do not have today, tomorrow or day after we may acquire it by virtue of our own merit - or as well do without it, without feeling its need, by virtue of our wisdom.
The most valuable things of life are not those that one gets for money. They are free for all. One just needs to pick up these as we can pick up a pebble lying beside the road.
Lastly one must try to learn the lessons from the poor and the distressed. They have faced the hardships of life and they know how to cope with each.
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