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Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Global Feeling for Everyone and Everything

Who are those men who can be considered as the best among us? They are those pious men, who have learnt the ultimate truth of the existence of God, and have found eternal peace by gaining that knowledge. They are those men who can feel the presence of God in every soul, who feel the wisdom of the Almighty within their own heart, who, even after experiencing all the noisy confusion, recurrent motion, excitement and disturbance, find the eternal peace within themselves.

They have consciously perceived all events that make up an individual life. They have ventured into every territory, and have found the grace of God in everything they have perceived. They have entered into every kingdom of work, heart, knowledge and religion. Their feeling extends into every realm in which God's wish is fulfilled. They are not rich, they are not mighty so as to wield power, authority or resource, they are not confined within any passion.

They are always in a state of established relationship with the divine soul, and through Him, with every other thing, living or non-living. Their thoughts are like this, "Whoever he is, he is my friend." This makes a man supremely glorious. It fetches him the highest order of humanity.

That man can build or destroy, earn and acquire, discover and invent, does not make him supreme. His glorification lies in the fact that he can assign everyone a place in his heart. Only the power of his soul can extend its feeling and authority infinitely. Neither any might, nor any ability to earn, acquire or save, discover or invent can fetch this glorification.

Riches, fame, honour, power etc. make us alienated from others, and thereby alienates us from the Divine Soul. The supreme connectivity gets disturbed. We start keeping other at bay. Pride engulfs us. Our alienation keeps on increasing. We lose our right to enter into every realm in which the grace of God prevails.

God is everywhere. He is in everything, living and non-living. He is as much in water as in fire, as much in earth as in air, as much in sky as in our souls. In our ability to feel His presence everywhere, in everything, lies the essence of making our human birth a glorified success.

To drown ourselves in His state is the only way through which we can attain divinity. What is that state? It is a state where He is remaining ever-conscious of everything, living and non-living, from a grain of sand to the vast stretch of the ocean and the sky,..... and all that which comes in between.

Through consciousness He is constantly extending His feeling towards everything. A mother embraces her child, not with her arms and body, but with her feeling. It is just like that. That is the ultimate embracement. That is the ultimate state of God. This feeling is incessant. We have to unify with His feeling. Through this feeling, He is constantly exercising his authority,..... because as far as feeling extends, that far goes the authority.

To extend our feeling thus infinitely, we have to give our heart, submit our heart.

One who vies for supremacy or superiority is not only ignorant, but possibly cruel also. To him, his path towards supremacy appears to be the only true path. Thus ignorance seeps in!!!!!

The more one spreads oneself among others, the more his ego, desires and vanity go away. This way one first becomes a responsible man of domestic habits. Then he becomes a responsible member of the society, which further develops into devotion towards ones' country, which ultimately shapes into a global feeling. This way one has to keep on increasing his area of universal feeling in order to attain the highest order of humanity. Unification gives us eternal life; loss of unity or integrity pronounces death.

Definition of prosperity has taken a new shape. Those who are prosperous, they are also not consciously nourishing the idea of unification. They have created a boundary within which they are parctising unification, thereby keeping themselves engaged in a specified way of life. Through knowledge, feeling and dexterity, they are broadening their way to further prosperity. However, they think that whatever they perceive, that is the ultimate. There is nothing beyond that. If there is anything, that must be totally unnecessary.

Difference of opinion, differences in cultural and social practice, clash of interest etc. still keep us miles apart. We have to remove all these differences. Otherwise, God will not give us peace.

It is not that unification will make us mighty, bring us economic prosperity, or make us supreme among nations. It will give us an everlasting lease of life, by combining all our human elements into a universal whole. May this togetherness be our aim of life, our only path to ultimate prosperity. The Almighty is embracing all that is under the sky and above, by His feeling and consciousness, thereby forming a synthesized whole. How will we join our souls with the Divine Soul if we do things which are contrary to His wish, and live in total disintegration?

To attain this unification, we have to renounce all. The more we renounce, the more we get filled up. There lies the ultimate enjoyment, the blissful delight.

Every being, dead or alive, is connected with one another by a single thread. Let us not disturb this connectivity. Such a disturbance will bring more misery for us. Let us realize this truth.

Whoever or whatever is there in this universe, that is for the welfare of this universe. All are happening in accordance to His wish, His delightful wish. Let us also feel his presence everywhere, in everything. Let our hearts get filled up with His dear delight. Let our feelings grow magnanimously.

May loftiness of our spirit enable us to bear trouble and hardship calmly, may we disdain meanness and revenge, may we be able to sacrifice for worthy ends, may we be blessed to understand what is worthy, may we be able to show nobility of feeling and generosity of mind, may our enemies, if any, consider us magnanimous.

One day we will surely be able to embrace poverty, enjoy sacrifice, turn trash into treasure and delightfully embrace sorrow.

May our heads get bowed down in front of His grace. May all that we possess be taken away and our hearts be filled up with His grace and delight. May we realize that He is the ultimate and our only source of happiness.

His grace makes the flowers bloom, makes the birds flutter their wings and makes the clouds drift in the sky. His delight gives us air to breathe, water to quench our thirst, fire to keep us warm, earth to grow our crops, and the sky to look up to, and get connected with Him. He gives us everything to keep us knowledgeable, dexterous, prosperous and delightful.

It is by his grace that in spite of all our sorrows and sufferings, clash of interests, all our selfishness, we are still remaining safe and secure, prosperous and healthy, and delightfully connected with our near and dear ones. May we be able to experience the same happiness that a tree experiences by bringing its flowers into full bloom, and thereby advance the cause of unification. At His feet, may we find the safest place to dwell in. Once for all, do let us know that our humble unpretentious prayer, devoid of any vanity, is the ultimate prayer for mankind.

Translation based on Bengali works of Rabindranath Tagore Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

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