First you need to know yourself. Then only you can know the external world. It is only through a very personal experience of inner discovery that you can know yourself and find ultimate peace of mind.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Global Feeling for Everyone and Everything

Who are those men who can be considered as the best among us? They are those pious men, who have learnt the ultimate truth of the existence of God, and have found eternal peace by gaining that knowledge. They are those men who can feel the presence of God in every soul, who feel the wisdom of the Almighty within their own heart, who, even after experiencing all the noisy confusion, recurrent motion, excitement and disturbance, find the eternal peace within themselves.

They have consciously perceived all events that make up an individual life. They have ventured into every territory, and have found the grace of God in everything they have perceived. They have entered into every kingdom of work, heart, knowledge and religion. Their feeling extends into every realm in which God's wish is fulfilled. They are not rich, they are not mighty so as to wield power, authority or resource, they are not confined within any passion.

They are always in a state of established relationship with the divine soul, and through Him, with every other thing, living or non-living. Their thoughts are like this, "Whoever he is, he is my friend." This makes a man supremely glorious. It fetches him the highest order of humanity.

That man can build or destroy, earn and acquire, discover and invent, does not make him supreme. His glorification lies in the fact that he can assign everyone a place in his heart. Only the power of his soul can extend its feeling and authority infinitely. Neither any might, nor any ability to earn, acquire or save, discover or invent can fetch this glorification.

Riches, fame, honour, power etc. make us alienated from others, and thereby alienates us from the Divine Soul. The supreme connectivity gets disturbed. We start keeping other at bay. Pride engulfs us. Our alienation keeps on increasing. We lose our right to enter into every realm in which the grace of God prevails.

God is everywhere. He is in everything, living and non-living. He is as much in water as in fire, as much in earth as in air, as much in sky as in our souls. In our ability to feel His presence everywhere, in everything, lies the essence of making our human birth a glorified success.

To drown ourselves in His state is the only way through which we can attain divinity. What is that state? It is a state where He is remaining ever-conscious of everything, living and non-living, from a grain of sand to the vast stretch of the ocean and the sky,..... and all that which comes in between.

Through consciousness He is constantly extending His feeling towards everything. A mother embraces her child, not with her arms and body, but with her feeling. It is just like that. That is the ultimate embracement. That is the ultimate state of God. This feeling is incessant. We have to unify with His feeling. Through this feeling, He is constantly exercising his authority,..... because as far as feeling extends, that far goes the authority.

To extend our feeling thus infinitely, we have to give our heart, submit our heart.

One who vies for supremacy or superiority is not only ignorant, but possibly cruel also. To him, his path towards supremacy appears to be the only true path. Thus ignorance seeps in!!!!!

The more one spreads oneself among others, the more his ego, desires and vanity go away. This way one first becomes a responsible man of domestic habits. Then he becomes a responsible member of the society, which further develops into devotion towards ones' country, which ultimately shapes into a global feeling. This way one has to keep on increasing his area of universal feeling in order to attain the highest order of humanity. Unification gives us eternal life; loss of unity or integrity pronounces death.

Definition of prosperity has taken a new shape. Those who are prosperous, they are also not consciously nourishing the idea of unification. They have created a boundary within which they are parctising unification, thereby keeping themselves engaged in a specified way of life. Through knowledge, feeling and dexterity, they are broadening their way to further prosperity. However, they think that whatever they perceive, that is the ultimate. There is nothing beyond that. If there is anything, that must be totally unnecessary.

Difference of opinion, differences in cultural and social practice, clash of interest etc. still keep us miles apart. We have to remove all these differences. Otherwise, God will not give us peace.

It is not that unification will make us mighty, bring us economic prosperity, or make us supreme among nations. It will give us an everlasting lease of life, by combining all our human elements into a universal whole. May this togetherness be our aim of life, our only path to ultimate prosperity. The Almighty is embracing all that is under the sky and above, by His feeling and consciousness, thereby forming a synthesized whole. How will we join our souls with the Divine Soul if we do things which are contrary to His wish, and live in total disintegration?

To attain this unification, we have to renounce all. The more we renounce, the more we get filled up. There lies the ultimate enjoyment, the blissful delight.

Every being, dead or alive, is connected with one another by a single thread. Let us not disturb this connectivity. Such a disturbance will bring more misery for us. Let us realize this truth.

Whoever or whatever is there in this universe, that is for the welfare of this universe. All are happening in accordance to His wish, His delightful wish. Let us also feel his presence everywhere, in everything. Let our hearts get filled up with His dear delight. Let our feelings grow magnanimously.

May loftiness of our spirit enable us to bear trouble and hardship calmly, may we disdain meanness and revenge, may we be able to sacrifice for worthy ends, may we be blessed to understand what is worthy, may we be able to show nobility of feeling and generosity of mind, may our enemies, if any, consider us magnanimous.

One day we will surely be able to embrace poverty, enjoy sacrifice, turn trash into treasure and delightfully embrace sorrow.

May our heads get bowed down in front of His grace. May all that we possess be taken away and our hearts be filled up with His grace and delight. May we realize that He is the ultimate and our only source of happiness.

His grace makes the flowers bloom, makes the birds flutter their wings and makes the clouds drift in the sky. His delight gives us air to breathe, water to quench our thirst, fire to keep us warm, earth to grow our crops, and the sky to look up to, and get connected with Him. He gives us everything to keep us knowledgeable, dexterous, prosperous and delightful.

It is by his grace that in spite of all our sorrows and sufferings, clash of interests, all our selfishness, we are still remaining safe and secure, prosperous and healthy, and delightfully connected with our near and dear ones. May we be able to experience the same happiness that a tree experiences by bringing its flowers into full bloom, and thereby advance the cause of unification. At His feet, may we find the safest place to dwell in. Once for all, do let us know that our humble unpretentious prayer, devoid of any vanity, is the ultimate prayer for mankind.

Translation based on Bengali works of Rabindranath Tagore Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Primary Responsibilities - Men and Women

In our society there are men as well as women. Both have their duties to perform towards the society. There is a vast difference between the duties of a man towards the society, and that of a woman.

The obligation of men towards the society has got everything to do with strength. He is supposed to carry the burden that requires strength. He will look after his family, he will give them all kinds of protection, he must save them from all kinds of dangers and he will provide them with all the necessities. If a wheel of the family-cart sinks into mud, he is supposed to pull it out, and make the cart rolling once again. He is destined to pull the heavy rope or chain and get the work done. If he moves away from this position, and be ignorant, society will discard him.

A woman is the epitome of love and compassion. As a mother, wife or sister, she is supposed to give love, care and affection to her family. There is no escape. That is the reason why she has been sent to this world. This is her primary responsibility towards her family and society. She is supposed to keep men under control through love and affection.

Lifting a heavy box or changing the car tyre is a primary duty of men. Whereas knitting and sewing are primarily women's jobs. Protecting and saving are basically men's responsibility, whereas bringing up the baby with love and affection is the primary duty of a woman. It is strength on one side, and love on the other. Women are the home-makers, while men are the home-savers. Men provides strength and valour that brings all kinds of safety and security, while women provides love and perceptual experience that brings all kinds of balance and harmony. These two keep the family and the society moving smoothly towards further prosperity.

After fulfilling their primary duties, both men and women can venture into one another's territory. There is no harm in that. But they must never forget their primary responsibility towards their family and society. This truth is eternal. Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Life, an insight

The widespread effect of life is constantly flowing through innumerable births and deaths, manifesting its inherent nature in every corner of this world, where there is habitation. It is also trying to spread its branches incessantly in areas where impenetrable desolation prevails or reigns supreme, trying to fill those areas up with noise and movement, warmth and hope. It tries to reach out to all such obscure places, which are barren and joyless.

Life is constantly attracting all that is lying in the past, carrying over its mighty shoulder all that is manifesting at the present moment, and feeling everything that is there in store for the future. Such is the strength and velocity of life, constantly revealing itself within our hearts, through joy and movement, variety and colour.

We have no access in those areas where life is mysterious. There it resides in total peace and tranquility. Where life is making itself evident to all our senses, there also we are able to feel only a small part of it. We cannot fathom all its outward manifestations at a time. However mysterious life may be, we are carrying on with it with utmost ease.

Life is apparent and self-evident, yet indistinct and uncertain. In so far as it is uncertain, it is mysterious. Yet this very life, with its inexplicable strength and vigour, manifests itself so easily even in the heart of a new-born child. That is what our dearest life is. It holds the centre-stage, around which we build up everything.

Translation based on Bengali works of Rabindranath Tagore Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Ultimate

A green mango remains tightly bound to the branch of a mango tree. Its immature seed holds the green flesh very firmly. Every day the mango matures a bit. It keeps on extracting juice from the tree. As much as it matures, it gets loosened from the stem to that extent. Inside the mango, the seed also matures, and the flesh becomes ripe and loose. One day the ripe mango drops down from the tree. That is the ultimate result. There lies all the success of a fruit.

Similarly, we human beings also keep on extracting the juice out of life, and one day we drop out of life. Our body turns into dust or ashes. Inside us also there is an inner core, like the seed. It is composed of the strength of our senses and our humanity. All our passion, excitement, interest and devotion depend solely upon the strength of our senses and character. Sometimes we need to gear up all these aspects, sometimes we need to slow ourselves down. That is how we move along in life. There lies the true essence of success.

On one side, the ripe mango loosens itself from the stem, while on the other side the seed moves towards maturity to give birth to another mango plant. Similarly, we human beings also get depleted in the outside, while our inner core gets ripened up with knowledge and wisdom. Still, at the fag end of life, we are unable to detach ourselves like the mango. We must always prepare ourselves for the ultimate detachment.

The petals of a flower must drop out. Then only the fruit will appear. The ripe fruit must drop down on earth. Then only a new plant can come out of its seed.

The baby has to come out of the womb. Then only he can grow up. After he attains a certain level of intelligence and education, he has to come out of his own self and acquire a place in the society. With a healthy body, educated mind and strong character, he is born again in a much bigger world. One day, after completing the whole journey of life, he leaves this world, only to be born again in an eternal world. The human form of life, especially meant for realization of God, becomes a success.

Translation based on Bengali works of Rabindranath Tagore Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

Monday, April 11, 2011

Come, Let Us Pray

"Philosophy sets our intellect free and allows us to see as God might see." Today this thought is hovering all around me. Personal well-being should give birth to collective well-being. Otherwise personal well-being is of little use. Come, let us pray for peace and happiness for everyone, for every living being on this mother earth. Let us pray that we remember the grace of the Almighty, once a day, and get connected with Him.

Let us pray that we may be able to set and keep us free from all narrow, personal aims and interests. Let us pray that we can set ourselves free from all ill-feelings, conflicts and anxieties. Let us pray that there is no lack of will power within us. Let us pray that we have the courage to know what is good for every living being on this earth.

Let us pray that we may set ourselves free from desires that keep us confined and imprisoned. Let us pray that we do not envy other people's success. Let us not forget that there are people suffering at various corners of the world. Let us pray that the less fortunate can live his life with dignity. Let us pray that everybody gets his due share, and there be no exploitation anywhere.

Let us pray that we do not mistake knowledge as a set of prejudices, habits and desires, and make an impenetrable veil between us and the outer world. Let us pray that ingratitude can never tarnish our character.

Let us pray that we be able to touch one another's heart with just a little bit of effort. Let us pray that our sense of wonder stays alive and we may be able to see familiar things in a new, unfamiliar, eternal light. Let us pray that truth, enlightenment and eternity reveal themselves in front of us. Let us pray that wisdom reigns supreme in our lives. May God keep everyone peaceful, happy and prosperous. Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

Monday, April 4, 2011

The hills are alive

Completed the painting just now. It is fresh. Tried to finish it in a short time span. So I couldn't go into much details. Hope you like it. Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Keep things Simple

Many a things flash across our minds, sometimes consciously, or sometimes sub-consciously. Whatever flashes across our minds very easily, we mostly set it aside as of no value. This happens possibly because that thought, that knowledge has been acquired with utmost ease. We have heard people saying, "No, no, that can't be true. It sounds too obvious." This way we set aside the most obvious thoughts and conclusions, the most valuable truths of life. Consequently we make our lives painful and distressful.

We keep on searching for some very complex stuff, most of which ultimately turn out to be our own brainchildren. This way various complexities arise in our minds concerning a particular thing, person, entity or event. These thoughts arise only in our minds, and we fail to find its parallel in the external world. We feel helpless, we suffer and at times we get misguided by our own thoughts.

Instead, if we hold on to our simplest of thoughts, we can make our lives easy, simple and less stressful. So hold on to those truths, those thoughts, which reveal unto you so easily. It is an inherent characteristic of truth to reveal itself in the most easy way. Keep things and also your thoughts simple, in so far as situations permit you to do so.

However, there are certain situations, which require very complex analysis. But in those cases our conscience will instantly tell us whether to accept the most obvious or not. We are always guided that way by God.

I presume many people will not agree with me, but still I proclaim, in most of the cases, whatever dawns upon us in the most easy way cannot be anything else other that the truth, or something that will guide us to the truth. We must never ignore the most obvious, that descends upon us in the most natural way. Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Responsibility and Compulsion

Every man should be under some kind of a compulsion on a regular basis. The most common form of compulsion arises out of our need for subsistence, our need for making a livelihood. Need for money puts a great compulsion upon every common man. Sense of responsibility brings in compulsion. Responsibility towards our own family is probably the starting point. From there it may extend to any extent.

Those men who can guide themselves to success without any compulsion from any external source are simply great men. Great men do not feel the need for money so much. Their compulsion comes out of their noblest thoughts, ideas and desires. That only helps them to become great. They have a great ability to ascertain the right priorities for different tasks. They set their goals accordingly. They do not get lost amidst useless thoughts.

Compulsion sets us free. When we are compelled to perform a task, many a fake prejudices, vanities and inhibitions vanish from our minds, and we become free. Our minds become fresh as we are relieved of many a negative thoughts and aspects of our minds. We find it very easy to set aside all apprehensions. We can get rid of all false anticipation of adversity or misfortune, or false suspicion and fear of any future trouble or evil.

Compulsion keeps us disciplined, healthy and strong. We regain our lost confidence in this way. Our whole world gets refreshed with a fragrance of total healthiness.

When we are totally free from all kinds of responsibilities, we really become idle. That is possibly something built in within us. Idleness brings in all kinds of pain and agony.

So at all times we all need to be under some kind of compulsion and responsiveness. If responsibility and compulsion knocks at your doorstep or enters into your room, don't feel agitated or afraid. Most of the times it comes as a blessing in disguise. Responsibility and compulsion keep us reformed. Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

Money - An Economic Overview

Evolution of Money: The fundamental aim of man is to satisfy his economic wants. In earlier days man produced whatever was needed by him. But in course of time, economic wants started to increase. So to satisfy all his economic wants, man started to exchange the goods. In earlier days the system that was followed for exchange is known as the Barter System. Under this system there was direct exchange of goods for goods. But man started to face many difficulties under this system. So to overcome these difficulties man introduced money.

First precious metals were used as money. Then, in course of time, a small quantity of a metal, with a with a stamp or mark put on it to indicate value, was introduced to serve the purpose of money. This process is called coinage. Now a days paper money, duly sanctioned by law, with appropriate signs and symbols, is used used universally as the medium of exchange. For small transactions, however, coins are still used.

Legal Tender Money: Legal tender money means money, the tender or payment of which constitutes, by law, the sufficient discharge of a debt.

The fundamental difference between money and other commodities is that money is generally acceptable in payment for goods, services, debts and compensations, while other commodities are not. People want other commodities for the commodity's sake - to consume, enjoy or otherwise utilize them, but money is wanted not for its own sake but because it has purchasing power over other goods.

The real significance of money is that it is a claim, which can be used by its owner to buy everything. As because general acceptability is the fundamental characteristic of money, we can define money as anything which is generally accepted by people in exchange for commodities or services, or in payment of debts or compensations.

Mr. Paul Samuelson: "Money is an artificial social convention."

Definition: Money is something, which serves as a medium of exchange. It is accepted unquestionably by everyone in exchange for goods and services. Different economists have defined money in different ways. According to Mr. Francis Walker "money is what money does."

We can define money as anything, which is accepted by the people

1. as medium of exchange,
2. as a measurement of value,
3. as a store of value,
4. as a standard of deferred value, and
5. as a transfer of value.

From this above definition follows the functions of money.

1. Medium of Exchange: Money promotes or facilitates exchange of goods and services. Our whole economic system depends entirely upon money, without which all modern forms of consumption, production, distribution and exchange will cease to exist.

2. Measurement of Value: Money assigns a value or price to any commodity or service. Every commodity or service can be weighed in terms of money. So it serves as a measuring instrument for value.

3. Store of Value: Money is the best form in which one can store his wealth. It has a universal usefulness at any given time, which makes it the best form as a store of value.

4. Standard of Deferred Value: Money serves as standard for deferred payments, that is payments, which are to be made in future.

5. Transfer of Value: Since any economic commodity or service can be weighed in terms of money, for any kind of value transfer it acts as the best medium.

Demand for money or reasons for holding money: J, M. Keynes forwarded three primary reasons or motives for holding money.

1. Transactions motive: Every man requires a certain amount of money to meet his daily expenditure. From this, the transaction demand for money arises.
2. Precautionary motive: People normally hold more money than what is required for his transactions purpose. He keeps some extra money in hand to meet the unforeseen circumstances, or any kind of emergency situation. This gives birth to the precautionary demand for money.
3. Speculative motive: Money, when invested, brings income in the form of interest. If someone decides to hold money he will be foregoing the interest that it would have yielded, if invested. Thus holding money means preferring liquidity, as money is the most liquid form of asset. When there is an expectation that interest will rise in the future, people purchase securities to earn higher interest income in the future. Interest is the reward for parting with liquidity. Thus individuals or institutions, who have sufficient money left after satisfying the first two demands, may also need some money for speculative purpose.

In the short run, transactions demand and precautionary demand are more or less fixed. Only under a situation of rising prices and consequent inflation, these two demands may increase in the short run. Otherwise in the short run, it is the speculatory demand for money, which determines the overall demand for money.

Supply of Money: The supply of money basically means the quantity of money in circulation. In simple terms, the total amount of cash held by individuals and institutions in the form of notes and coins, together with the total value of deposits held in bank accounts of commercial banks, together with bills and bank notes constitute the supply of money. Some writers prefer to use the term money in a narrow sense to mean only legal tender money. Others include deposits, but only such deposits as are withdrawable by cheques, thus excluding non-chequeable deposits. The measures that are taken to control the total supply of money in an economy are compositely called the Monetary Policy.

Value of money: Meaning: Value of money means the purchasing power of money. It means that goods and services can be purchased with money. When more goods and services can be purchased with money, the value of money is said to be more, and vice versa.

Determination of the value of money: There are two theories given by the economists for the determination of the value of money. The two theories are

1) Quantity Theory of Money
2) Income Theory of Money Subscribe to Tarry A Little by Email Subscribe in a reader

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Warm Summer Night

The warmth of the summer night lies in the colour composition of this painting, though I know the glow at the back is not looking anything similar to that of the moon. But do you feel it is anything else? Can't you feel the warmth of the summer night? Yes, that is the magic of colours!! Do enjoy the warmth and the serenity. Click on the picture to view a larger image.

Seeking your compliment as an artist.
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Paintings of Celebrities of Yesteryears

Name the four celebrities whose paintings are given below. Write their names in the comment/answer box. Come on, give it a try!! It's so easy.

1. Pencil Drawing - 2002. 2. Watercolour - 2004 3. Pencil Drawing - 2002.
4. Pastel and coloured pencil - 2008

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Rabindranath Tagore spirituality painting pencil Drawing Philosophy knowledge indifference curve responsibility Watercolour art Religion Theory of Consumption Universal One duty economics morality peace virtue body consciousness control creativity criticism educated endeavour ethics faith habit income effect joy life love price effect self-restraint serenity society story success truth Adam Smith Alfred Marshall Diminishing Marginal Utility Equimarginal Utility India Lionel Robbins Lord Shiva Marginal rate of substitution Motivation Patience Renunciation Temple Utility Analysis ability abstract act alternative uses anxiety availability beautiful beauty behavioural blessings bliss blissfulness blue sky caged bird choice commodity communicate complacency completeness complexity compulsion consume consumer consumption counsellor creative decay definition demand demand for money dependence depletion depression desires disarray disorder distribution drifting cloud drudgery economic wants education ego emotional ends equilibrium eternity exchange exhaust expectation fear feeling fitness fortunate fragmentation future give give away give up global feeling greatness guilt health heaven hope humour idealism imaginative imitation impulse indestructible individualism innovative interact inventive knowing oneself learned less medicine listen macro economics manifest material means mental micro economics misinterpretation mixed media modern approach money moral excellence motivator nature needs negative thinking nervousness night noble obstacle offering own goal panic pastel persevere phobia poor positive-thinking preserve pressurisation production prosperity psochoanalyst psychiatrist public finance purify realism reincarnate relinquish renounce revealed preference romanticism sacrifice safeguard safety satisfy save scarce science security simple sleeplessness soul spinoza spiritualization strive student subordination substitute substitution effect succulent vitality suffocation sun supply of money supreme talent tension thought together tolerance traditional approach uncalled favour unify united with God untapped untoward utterance watercolor weakness wealth well-being wisdom wishes worry worship