If I have to light up even one corner of my room, I have to make arrangements for so many things, like electrical wiring, switch, electrical connection, bulb etc. The light that I get after making so much arrangement is still so little, though it serves my purpose. But this little light makes the darkness outside even more intense.
But to get the natural light I don't have to make any special arrangement. As soon as I open my window, my room gets flooded with broad daylight. Religion is also like this daylight. It is abundant, and simple, and ever-present. It is a gift of God. We can get it everyday as a matter of habit. Like getting the daylight, we don't have to make any special arrangement to get this eternal religion. Had it been so, we would never have been able to get the true essence of religion.
Whatever we try to create ourselves, that becomes complex. Our relationships within the family are complex, our society is complex, and our lifestyle is complex, because these are man-made. Complexity makes things weak, simplicity makes things strong and easy to grasp. Religion has never been a complex stuff. From times immemorial, it has always been so easy to grasp. That is the universal religion, the religion of humanity.
If religious practices appear to be complex to us, that is because we have made it so. Instead of submitting ourselves to the simple religious faiths and beliefs, we have tried to mould religion according to our wishes, our needs, our faiths and beliefs. We have complicated religion with artificial practices, complex explanations and unrealistic imaginations, which make it so difficult to comprehend. We have curtailed religion in many a ways and tried to give it our own shape, and in the process fragmented it into innumerable parts and divisions. Religion does not change with time or place. As a gift of God, it remains same for everyone, same for every place and time.
We try to assume or imagine religion in a way that would bring comfort to our hearts. Our assumptions make it fragmented again and again, and we wrongly assume it as consisting of all the characteristics of this material world with its vast complexity. We try to build it in our own way. That eventually brings sorrow.
We cannot live under the open sky. We need a dwelling place. But if we want to capture a portion of this vast expanse of the sky to beautify our dwelling place, will we succeed ? Obviously not. We can only open the window to catch a glimpse of the sky. That way a relationship is established between the endless sky and our finite dwelling place. That makes us peaceful.
If we try to catch a sparrow and keep it in a cage, we will lose it soon. It will die of starvation. It needs freedom more than anything else. So we can only enjoy a sparrow when it is hopping freely amidst nature. Such is the nature of religion.

In order to see the broad daylight we need to open our eyes. In order to feel the presence of the Almighty we need to open our mind's eye. He is everywhere. Only we have to bring that feeling within us. How to bring that feeling ? Go out in broad daylight, look at the sky, take a deep breath and just think about this universe as a creative endeavour of the Almighty, constantly being accomplished through a force, which is incessantly flowing towards us. Please utter the words, "Oh God, do reveal Thyself." You will instantly feel the presence of God. You will feel expansive, selfless, courageous and joyous, as you get connected with Him. Establish this connection at least once daily. It only calls for an eagerness to know Him and an effort similar to the one that we give to get daylight. It has always been so simple. It calls for no other extra effort, nothing else. Soon you will also be free from all sins, which vanish instantly at the advent of God. Love will get established as a consequence.
We must cherish what we have. We must never lament for something that is unreachable. Restraint is absolutely necessary. We must never feel greedy about something. If we can get rid of excitement and be peaceful and tranquil, all the joyous and delightful things of this world will reveal themselves in front of us automatically.
The philosophy of the Almighty is not to throw ones' might all around. It is not always necessary to show ones' might. One who can hold his might within himself and yet remain calm, peaceful and tranquil, he is really the possessor of all the might.
We need to accept all, that is as true as broad daylight, without any question. Truth is always the nearest, the easily accessible, the easily understandable, the undisputed, the safest stuff to dwell upon and the dearest one to live with. It is of no use running after the enchanted deer to catch it. That will turn into a futile effort, resulting into a dissatisfied feeling.
Let the heart become free from all selfishness, conflicts and uncertainty so that we may not run around in all directions hopelessly. Let us concentrate on what we wish to achieve. Let our minds remain concentrated on that Universal One. May truth, enlightenment and eternal feeling reign supreme in our lives.
Translation based on Bengali works of Rabindranath Tagore
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