I am a fine artist, a man who loves art. I draw and paint what I see. Maybe others do not see things the way I see. On a warm summer afternoon last year I set out for a nearby place where there were vast stretches of barren land and a blue sky above. There are some hillocks too. Bushes and shrubs had grown here and there. I spent the whole afternoon at the foot of a hillock.....and I was alone. I painted a picture of that place later. Yes, I was alone. I enjoyed those few hours of loneliness. I completed 52 in July, 2012. During all these years I have met many a people, within the closed circles of my family, as well as in the wider circles.
During all these years there is one thing that I have realized very clearly. People are all so deeply engrossed with themselves. But people cannot live without others. Loneliness becomes unbearable. So people get together. But that too for his own peace and happiness. This is totally my personal view in general, and there may be and are quite a few exceptions to this. There should not be any room for misunderstanding.
As one moves along with age, he starts becoming lonelier and lonelier. Even within his family, with his spouse, children and others around, he sort of feels left out. Things change. We also have to change ourselves with time. The togetherness that I used to experience within the society about 25 years back, it is no longer there. By togetherness I mean togetherness for the sake of it. Now people have so little time for others. So each one of us is moving forward in an isolated manner. I remember during the late seventies and early eighties we friends used to get together almost every day in the evening and spend some quality time among ourselves. Those days are no more. With age we drift apart. And we drift apart because a lot of differences have developed among our thoughts and views. We mostly disagree.
People do not get friendly easily these days. Somehow we all seem to have become confined within ourselves and our routine lives. Our needs have been multiplied several times. We do not want to share our thoughts and feelings with others. We are very, very busy. We have no time to stand and stare. A kind of veil seems to have been put upon each one of us, which prevents us from interacting with others. We try to move away from the unknown. Our quest for knowledge has gone down possibly. That is affecting our peace and happiness. We are seeking peace within materials. We are getting disheartened.
So I have a desire to bring like-minded people together from everywhere, so that they do not feel lonely and do not suffer emotionally. I am looking for people who still honour the age-old values of life. Even if I come across one such person, I will be happy. I have a Facebook group
under which I intend to bring such like-minded people together to share things and find peace. I myself won't be having a big role to play except bringing a few ( or many) people together, and sharing things with others. Bringing like people together is a big job as well as satisfaction in itself.
My Facebook link is http://www.facebook.com/chandra.b.gupta
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TheWiseFinch
Don't you want to do something good, want to contribute for a good cause? I think you do.
So do not hesitate, join now! You are most welcome! I will be so happy. Have a good day. Thank you.
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During all these years there is one thing that I have realized very clearly. People are all so deeply engrossed with themselves. But people cannot live without others. Loneliness becomes unbearable. So people get together. But that too for his own peace and happiness. This is totally my personal view in general, and there may be and are quite a few exceptions to this. There should not be any room for misunderstanding.
As one moves along with age, he starts becoming lonelier and lonelier. Even within his family, with his spouse, children and others around, he sort of feels left out. Things change. We also have to change ourselves with time. The togetherness that I used to experience within the society about 25 years back, it is no longer there. By togetherness I mean togetherness for the sake of it. Now people have so little time for others. So each one of us is moving forward in an isolated manner. I remember during the late seventies and early eighties we friends used to get together almost every day in the evening and spend some quality time among ourselves. Those days are no more. With age we drift apart. And we drift apart because a lot of differences have developed among our thoughts and views. We mostly disagree.
People do not get friendly easily these days. Somehow we all seem to have become confined within ourselves and our routine lives. Our needs have been multiplied several times. We do not want to share our thoughts and feelings with others. We are very, very busy. We have no time to stand and stare. A kind of veil seems to have been put upon each one of us, which prevents us from interacting with others. We try to move away from the unknown. Our quest for knowledge has gone down possibly. That is affecting our peace and happiness. We are seeking peace within materials. We are getting disheartened.
So I have a desire to bring like-minded people together from everywhere, so that they do not feel lonely and do not suffer emotionally. I am looking for people who still honour the age-old values of life. Even if I come across one such person, I will be happy. I have a Facebook group
under which I intend to bring such like-minded people together to share things and find peace. I myself won't be having a big role to play except bringing a few ( or many) people together, and sharing things with others. Bringing like people together is a big job as well as satisfaction in itself.
My Facebook link is http://www.facebook.com/chandra.b.gupta
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TheWiseFinch
Don't you want to do something good, want to contribute for a good cause? I think you do.
So do not hesitate, join now! You are most welcome! I will be so happy. Have a good day. Thank you.